Weekend Favs August 5

Weekend Favs August 5 written by John Jantsch read more at Duct Tape Marketing My weekend blog post routine includes posting links to a handful of tools or great content I ran across during the week. I don’t go into depth about the finds, but I encourage you to check them out if they sound interesting. The photo in the post is a favorite for the week from an […] Revolutionizing Design with AI: Exploring the World of Generative Design written by John Jantsch read more at Duct Tape Marketing Marketing Podcast with Russ Perry In this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast, I interview Russ Perry. Russ, the founder, and CEO of Design Pickle, is a seasoned creative leader, entrepreneur, author, and thought leader. As a former agency owner, Perry intimately understands the challenges associated with all aspects of creative work and has transformed the creative process through Design Pickle. Key Takeaway: AI is a hot topic right now and will continue to be. But what role does AI play in design? Russ Perry joins me to talk about how AI is totally shaking up the world of design. We dive into “generative design,” a fancy term for using computer programs to create really complex designs and make them better in certain ways (like cheaper, lighter, or more efficient). Questions I ask Russ Perry: [2:25] How do you define this idea of generative design? [7:18] If someone wants to use AI in the design process in a commercial or corporate setting, what does that look like today? [11:34] Does AI in design mean the cost of acquiring design should go down dramatically? [15:04] How are you incorporating AI at Design Pickle? [18:04] Do you see this tool set helping people reach their goals faster and being a better option? [19:58] How has your job changed? More About Russ Perry: Design Pickle Connect with Russ on LinkedIn Learn More About The Agency Intensive Certification: Learn more Like this show? Click on over and give us a review on iTunes, please! Duct Tape Transcript Email Download New Tab John Jantsch (00:00): Hey, marketing agency owners, you know, I can teach you the keys to doubling your business in just 90 days or your money back. Sound interesting. All you have to do is license our three step process. It’s going to allow you to make your competitors irrelevant, charge a premium for your services and scale perhaps without adding overhead. And here’s the best part. You can license this entire system for your agency by simply participating in an upcoming agency certification intensive look, why create the wheel? Use a set of tools that took us over 20 years to create. And you can have ’em today, check it out at dtm.world/certification. That’s DTM world slash certification. Well, so in listening to that thread, does that mean that the price or what it will cost somebody to acquire design should go down dramatically? (00:48): Hello and welcome to another episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast. This is John Jantsch. My guest today is Russ Perry. He’s the founder and c e o of Design Pickle. He’s a seasoned creative leader, entrepreneur, author, and I already said leader. So he’s also a thought leader and a creative leader. It’s amazing. Used to own an agency. He intimately understands the challenges associated with all aspects of creative work and has transformed the creative process through Design Pickle. So actually I get to say welcome back, Ross. Russ Perry (01:20): Thank you. Is this my second or third time? I feel like I’ve, this is a good, I love being back John Jantsch (01:25): . It might actually be a third time. So in, in your intro we kind of outlined it, but in, in past shows, if we’ll link to those past shows, so you can go see how Russ’s voice has changed. I don’t think we were doing videos, but No. Like Beard, Russ Perry (01:38): Gray, more gray hair for sure. . John Jantsch (01:41): But, uh, you know, essentially Design Pickle is a, you know, design platform that you can buy on a subscription basis. You could probably do a better job of explaining it than I just did, but we’ll get into the components of that. But today I specifically wanna focus on a very trendy topic, and design circles. And that’s ai. I mean, obviously AI’s been around for a while, but it seems like now that people have found this chat, G p T thing, you know, everything is ai, right? And everybody’s talking about ai, but of course, like all things in the creative space, you guys tend to refer to it not as like AI design, but generative design or generative creation. Mm-hmm. . So let’s start there, you know, how does that, how do you define that term if somebody comes to you and starts saying, are you guys using ai? How do you da? How do you dive into this idea of generative design? Russ Perry (02:29): Yeah, well let me take it super high level cuz I assume there’s probably a few people who have no idea what we’re talking about. And I wanna make sure that, you know, even if you haven’t heard the trend, you can still catch up with us. John Jantsch (02:40): Yeah. There’s a good chance that I have no idea what we’re talking about . Russ Perry (02:43): So, so you’re right. You nailed it. This has actually been around a while. And basically what it is, computer algorithms that are trained on data sets that then learn how to create visuals. Words actually space, not a lot of people have been talking about, but it’s been, it’s, it’s been part of this space for a long time is 3D printing and actually like 3D modeling type work. There’s a lot of generative design, but effectively you create a, create an algorithm through a bunch of data, a bunch of rules, and then you give it a prompt and based off of this data and rules and outputs and visual words, whatever, then you train the model, you say, yes, this is what I was looking for, or No, this is way off. And it’s, it’s through neural networks and the way the technology is built, it gets smarter and it gets more accurate for receiving inputs and output and giving you an output that’s practical. (03:33): So this is just really hit the mainstream, you know, the, the most, the biggest player right now that’s leading the way publicly. There’s a, like all the big tech companies are working on it, but the ones that you and I can access today is from open ai. And they have a visual tool called Dolly, and they have a copy content tool called Chat G p T. Right. And, and it’s mind blown. I mean really, like, there’s really nothing you can, no lighter way to describe it with you use these tools where you can go in, I mean, we could say, Hey, let’s have a, a photo of us writing a dragon through Niagara Falls and then all of a sudden we have a photo realistic photo of you and I writing a dragon through Niagara Falls. So it’s been super buzzy. Everyone’s really excited about it. (04:12): But I think a lot of people aren’t having the conversation on like, well how does this actually, how do you use it? Right? How do you use it practically? What is the use case for it? And, and, and this was actually something that I’ve been thinking a lot about because there’s been so many evolutions in the creative process and the creation process over the last 30, 40 years from just the digitization of it, which was, um, ear, like a little before my career started. But it was, you know, when people were like, Hey, we can actually use computers to u to design. And then obviously tooling side has evolved with cloud tooling and how we distribute content and how we access content and be inspired and just the, John Jantsch (04:53): The bandwidth and the size of storage , you know, that’s got so I mean all Russ Perry (04:57): That. Yeah, exactly. And then, I mean, you can even be as basic as say like video, you know, like video wasn’t a thing 20 years ago. It, it wasn’t where it was at. So what we’re really witnessing right now is just another evolution in the creative process. And I wanna touch on this term generative design because it’s actually a term that is how design already works without computers . So if I design something for you, or Design Pickle creates something for you, John, you’re like, nah, I’m not, I’m not, so I’m not so hot, like I want something else. And what do you do? You provide feedback and then you get a better output and you go through this generative process. All that these tools are doing is doing that almost instantaneously and you can iterate almost instantaneously. So rather than having to wait for a designer to come back to you with the revisions, you can go through in this pretty quick. (05:51): Um, so it’s kind of fun. And there’s all sorts. I mean, we can go in tons of directions, legality. Yeah. Tech, how it’s built, how it’s used. But I think a lot of people are actually hyping it up a little too much. It’s kind of just like, well hey, I used to draw with a pencil and now I have a computer that can automatically do what I need to do. And that’s kind of the same way I’m looking at this is like used to take me three or four days to get ideas and concepts. Now I can do it instantaneously. Think about how much of an advantage you have. Yeah, yeah. And time saved inside of these tools. And for me, any creative who’s not thinking about how to start using them into their workflows is similar to the creative who is like computers, nah. Like yeah. Don’t think this is gonna be a thing. John Jantsch (06:37): . Well, yeah, I mean you could say cars, you know, aren’t gonna be a thing. Right? The internet, you know, that’s the stupid thing for, you know, these people, right? So we’ve seen this before , you know? Exactly. Yeah. And I’m 100% with you that, that I think a lot of people are looking futuristic beyond what the actual capabilities of AI are and maybe ever be. And they’re ringing their hands about that. Where is

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