WordPress 5.3 and Large Image Uploads

WordPress version 5.3 released last week. In this release, there are changes in the way WordPress handles very large image uploads.

The post WordPress 5.3 and Large Image Uploads appeared first on HighEdWebTech.

Tweet accessibility exampleI’ve been seeing a lot of Twitter accounts, both regular user accounts as well as brand accounts, using fancy, math and other symbol fonts in their tweets. These characters are all legal, and part of the Unicode standard. Akin to using a screenshot from a notes app in your tweet, we should take a closer look at these characters.

On one hand, I get it. These characters can make your tweet stand out and breathe some life into your message copy. This comes with a catch though. Those special characters can break accessibility. This includes being able to be read by screen readers and other speech tools.

Here’s an example I’ve seen recently. I w

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